Home > Love getting checks in the mail!!

Love getting checks in the mail!!

July 27th, 2010 at 05:28 pm

I got a $50 check from my Chase rewards master card yesterday. My dh charges a lot at home depot and Chase gives us 3% back for home improvement purchases, so I get a $50 check almost every month to add to the challenge.
As a mentioned in a earlier blog, I am now only getting 1% interest on my savings account. When I opened the account, it was paying 5.25%, then it dropped to 3.25%, then to 2% and now it is down to 1%.
I have $60,000 sitting in that account, so I am now earning $50 a month in interest. Heck, I can get that much just charging a few thousand at Home depot and paying it off each month!

Prev. total $11,011.00
today 50.00
new total $11.061.00

4 Responses to “Love getting checks in the mail!!”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Do you remember when banks used to give you something to open an account? At least you had something tangible besides the interest.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Oh yes, I remember the good old "toaster days"

  3. Jerry Says:

    We have been taking it on the chin with our savings account interest rate, as well. It has dropped to 1%, which is crazy -- with an economy like this they will not try to lead people to want to save their money? Whatever. We were looking to open an online savings account in Australia at 6%, but it turned out that there was a residency requirement. Alas. It would have been nice to diversify a bit and have some insurance of a good rate again!

  4. terri77 Says:

    My money market savings account is even worse, something like 0.35%. And the credit union savings account is paying 0.15%. Thank goodness for ING.

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