Home > Bridge money

Bridge money

March 6th, 2010 at 04:30 pm

I have been playing bridge with the same group of ladies for about 2 years. Last year, they decided to put in a dollar each time we played to go out to lunch. I thought it was kind of silly , since it is obvious that we all can afford to go out to lunch anytime we want.

Two of the ladies' husbands are retired; one a retired CEO of a bank. The other lady's husband is a pilot for a big airline. My husband is a builder and probably makes the least amount of money.
However, I became the "holder" of the money.

Yesterday, we had our lunch out and I split up the money. We each got $23. I am adding my $23 to my $20 challenge money.

Prev. total $3222.00
today 23.00
new total $3245.00

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