Home > Making a deposit today!

Making a deposit today!

May 27th, 2009 at 02:20 pm

My regular check came in, today. It comes into my bank on the 4th Wednesday of the month. I am taking my check ($583), the interest paid by my business checking account ($70) and my AARP insurance money ($50) to add to my $20 challenge, for a total of $703.00
Prev. total $7515.00
today 703.00
new total $8218.00

4 Responses to “Making a deposit today!”

  1. cottoncolors Says:

    Nice! It feels great to make progress!

  2. Miss Sporty Saver Says:

    Just wanted to let you know that I have become a fan of yours. I saw your post one day, and noticed that your challenge money account is always huge. I had to see how you did it and where you started from, so I clicked on your old post from like '06, and MAN-o MAN, was I impressed. Keep it up, someday I'll have big numbers in a savings account as well.

    Hope my fan-ism didn't freak you out, just wanted to let you know that you're an inspiration Smile

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Miss sporty, i hope I do inspire you. Little amounts do add up to big savings if you save them daily.

  4. Personal Finance Says:

    Great so you can save good amount of money.

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