Home > Yes, $12.97 makes me happy!!

Yes, $12.97 makes me happy!!

August 14th, 2008 at 03:33 pm

Yesterday, someone mentioned that they were surprised that earning $12.97 in interest on my personal checking account made me so happy!
Yes it does!
When I moved here, the only job I could get was as a waitress. Back then, minimum was $3.15 an hour, but we only got paid $2.01 and hour and we really had to work. Besides waitressing, we had to do all the cleaning and that was very hard work.
Sunday was the day we made the worst tips and everyone hated to work on Sundays. But it was our busiest day, so we all had to work.
The most I ever made in tips on a Sunday was 12!! Big tables would come in, parties of 8-10-12. Sometimes they would not tip at all. I will never forget my first table of 18 people. I ran my legs off getting them more drinks, bread, etc.
They left a total of 87 cents!!
I never came home with more than $12!! $12 for waiting on hundreds of people all day long.

Yes, a free $12.87 is just like a Sunday off and it does make me happy!!

I won 2 games of mah jong yesterday, so i will add that to my challenge money.

Prev. total $19,702.00
today 2.00
new total $19,704.00

8 Responses to “Yes, $12.97 makes me happy!!”

  1. JanH Says:

    Ima, I get excited when I find a few pennies on the ground! I don't blame you for getting excited that you made over $12 in interest. That's found money! Think of how many pennies I'd have to find for that much! I can remember when minimum wage was about $1.35 per hour. Your interest would be more than one day's pay back then.

  2. Aleta Says:

    I used to be a waittress too and we had to clean plus pay the bus boy who washed the dishes per shift. I can also remember working in a Howard Johnson Restaurant and waiting on a table of 4-6 bankers everyday. No kidding about this. They would flip for the quarter that they were going to leave. (.25 for the whole table). I can remember those days as well of the low hourly wages.

    I'm like you. Everytime I receive interest; It's money that I didn't physically earn.

  3. toyguy1963 Says:

    I love earning interest too. Too bad the rates are so pathetically low right now.

  4. LuxLivingFrugalis Says:

    Been there earned the same kind of money. GLAD to find my dime this morning! I find the attitude of Gratitude goes a long way in this world!

  5. Myrtle Says:

    I am always thrilled to find a penny on the ground. So yes, I understand the thrill of $12.97 in interest!!

  6. sillyoleme Says:

    Our savings account earned $0.03 interest last month... and I was happy about that! That is 3 cents I didn't have last month, right?

  7. Aleta Says:

    I found a dime Sunday and it's going to my challenge money.

  8. SicilyYoder Says:

    I've waited tables, too, and I hated doing the, "outs."

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