Home > cleaned out the envelopes

cleaned out the envelopes

July 8th, 2008 at 08:52 pm

I cleaned out the envelopes again. I had $200 in the van envelope ( old van is paid for, but I still make payments) and $50 in the aarp envelope. I will add that to my challenge money.
Prev. total $16,753.00
today 250.00
new total $17,003.00

4 Responses to “cleaned out the envelopes”

  1. Jeff Says:

    Your always doing so well, Ima!

  2. dividing the dime Says:

    I'm so impressed with your intention. I'm inspired to create a new cash envelope. I already use cash envelopes for groceries, household expenses, etc, (just started this in January) but you just made me realize this: We paid off our small mortgage in April and I can STILL pay it by adding $80 a month to a 'no-more-small-mortgage-now-onto-the-big-mortgage' envelope. Hello!! (Thanks for your encouragement!!)

  3. SingleGuyMoney Says:

    IMA - Quick question. It seems like you always have extra money in your envelopes. Do you overbudget or underspend?

  4. Ima saver Says:

    Usually, I underspend. When I pay something off (van or some property i bought) I just keep making that payment to myself and I put it in savings once a month or so.

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