Home > Wow, just checked my mutual funds

Wow, just checked my mutual funds

August 16th, 2007 at 02:53 pm

I just checked my mutual funds and it ain't pretty. From my high on July 19th, I am down $29,000 as of yesterday. I sure hope this downward trend ends soon. No, I am not worried!

2 Responses to “Wow, just checked my mutual funds”

  1. nance Says:

    Mine were down $27,000 plus, yesterday, and I am worried. All the doom and gloom talk is making many people panic and pull out of the market. I think this might go on for a while.
    I stayed in the market in 2001, and lost half of what I had. It took nearly six years to recover what I lost, and I wish I had gotten out a lot earlier.

  2. fern Says:

    Look at it this way. If you pull out of the market as it is plummeting, you'll never have a chance to recover that loss. Once you liquidate, it's a real loss; right now, it's just a paper loss, and there is a chance, if you're patient and disciplined, to recover as the market does.

    Hang tight!

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