Home > Starting to thaw

Starting to thaw

February 18th, 2007 at 05:23 pm

The snow is starting to melt cause there is so much sunshine today. It is still bitterly cold outside. But I think we are going out looking for land today. We found a new subdivision that looks promising.
I know real estate sales are terrible right now. There is 555 homes for sale in this county and 750 in the next county and we live in a very rural area. However, my husband is the best (honest he is) builder in the area and his homes have always sold quickly.
I love having the money sit in my money market account earning 5.25% interest but it is time to buy a lot. I hate giving up that $60,000 to $70,000 to buy a lot, but that is what it takes.
Also, we can't decide on a floor plan until we buy the lot.
We always try to buy something with a view and we need a plan that will show off the view to the best advantage.
That makes a difference in the view is in the front or in the back.
Guess we will bundle up and head out shortly.

1 Responses to “Starting to thaw”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    There's always a market for well-built homes!

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