Home > Wipe Out!!

Wipe Out!!

October 29th, 2006 at 04:57 pm

We went to a great Halloween party last night. The costumes were fantastic. I really thought my husband should have won first prize, he was the funniest!
My favorite part was getting to dance; they even played my favorite song to dance to, "Wipe Out"!!

By the way, besides having a free evening of food and drink, I won first prize and got a gift certificate to a restaurant.

5 Responses to “Wipe Out!!”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I can see you dancing to wipe out!! How fun. Glad to hear you had such a great time!---and congrats on the win! Was the cert to the restraunt that you normally go to?

  2. Ima saver Says:

    No, it was a different one, but that's ok!

  3. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Sounds like you had fun Julie! Enjoy the cert ot the restaurant!Smile

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    You won? Congrats! What was your costume? (If it's written in your earlier entries, I haven't gotten there yet. Big Grin)

  5. LuxLiving Says:

    Ohhh a restaraunt prize! Right up your alley!

    I clean house to 'Wipe-Out' and never listen to it in the car anymore, at least not after that one speeding ticket! Big Grin!!

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