Home > Goals


July 23rd, 2006 at 11:17 pm

Do any of you make goals and write them down? At the end of the year, I make my new year's goals. I write them on a piece of paper and if I meet one, i write the date next to the goal.
Of course one of my goals is to have $10,000 in my $20 challenge!! I am getting close to it! If I make it, I plan to keep on and try and see how much I can go over it.
( However, I have finally gotten over making the goal to weigh 112 again. It just isn't going to happen)

4 Responses to “Goals”

  1. Bookie Says:

    I still do written goals. In January I review progress made in the past year and set down specific objectives for the new year.

    This is the final year of my debt elimination drive, and I'm on target.

    Congratulations on your $20 Challenge. That is both awesome and inspirational.

  2. Lady Jennelle Says:


    Can you please tell me what the $20.00 challenge is?

    I've asked several times on different blogs but haven't gotten an answer [one that I've seen anyways. *lol*]



  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    I don't, but I probably should.

    However, I do have goals in mind. They're very simple, so that's the reason why I don't write it down myself.

    Quite simply, mine right now is to pay off my student loans as fast as possible.

    Considering that it would take 20 years to pay it off if I paid only the minimum, I don't know how fast I will be able to accomplish this All I know is that I am throwing every available penny at it and will pay it off as soon as I possibly can.

  4. Jaydee Says:

    The week between Xmas and New Years day I sit down and go over my budget for the next 6 months. I write out my standard expenses on a spreadsheet for each month, and estimate how much I have left over to save. Then I call my Benefits manager/401K administrator and increase my bi-weekly pre-tax deposit into my account. This not only saves me money because I don't pay tax on the 401K deposits, but I pay myself FIRST. I don't miss the $ because I never see it.

    I always plan enough in my takehome pay for incidentals/emergencies. My goal is to up my % of gross pay into my retirement funds over time. I started at 11% and am now up to 22%.

    In June I look my budget over again and plan for the next 6 months.

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