Home > No jail time yet

No jail time yet

February 16th, 2006 at 07:25 pm

I mentioned about a month ago, that we were sued by a guy for $7000 for some silt fencing (he says) He really wanted the money to pay for a new drive way. Anyway, we won the case and did not have to pay him anything, but he had 30 days to refile and take us to another court. The 30 days are up, and unless something has been delayed by the mail, I think we are free and clear of this.
My husband said he would go to jail rather than pay the man a penny!!
So, no jail time yet.
we stayed home and cooked on the grill last night. That is a big thing for me, to stay home any night but Sunday. We got to sit in our warm jacuzzi and just talk.
I am really getting motivated in reading all the ways you guys save and spend your money.
I can see my biggest problem is eating out every night and not buying things on sale.
Yesterday, I saved $2.60 with my advantage card, so I have rounded it up (which I am going to do so I don't have to mess with a bunch of change in my challenge money box) to $3 plus I know I saved at least $20 by not eating out last night. So that is $23 for my challenge money.
Prev. total $2941.00
today 23.00
newe total $2964.00

Iknow I could save some grocery money if my husband went to jail, but it is nice having him around!! Have a wonderful day!!

1 Responses to “No jail time yet”

  1. Chrissie Says:

    H. I just started reading your blog. My husband and I have cut down on eating out and have saved a ton of money doing so. In fact, we now "brown bag" our lunches and drink the free coffee at work instead of buyingn coffee at a shop on the way to work. This is probably saving us a good $15 a day! It's tough at first. I really missed eating out but now it's really no big deal and I hardly think of it. I am enjoying your blog. Still have a ways to go in reading it.

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